Cycling a route along the west coast of Ireland, better known as the Wild Atlantic Way, is an amazing tour. Rugged terrain, soaring cliffs, glacial landscapes, rock formations, wandering sheep, picturesque bays and beaches, mystical islands, and iconic Irish Atlantic vistas will leave you speechless. Cycling here will be a memorable experience. But it’s crucial to come prepared—both physically and mentally. Hope for sunshine but brace yourself for the worst. You’ll likely encounter weather that ranges from heavy overcast skies to relentless rain and winds gusting up to 100 kilometers per hour. These conditions can make cycling a real challenge. But what a ride! Some of the most striking coastal views you’ll encounter on the north coast of the Loop Head Peninsula. Only 2k into your ride, you must stray off the road onto a Kilkee Cliff Walk path. Pedaling a few meters and, “Wow,” is all you can say as you glimpse the panorama of the cliffs suddenly spread in front of you. Take your time here, but not too close to the edge, then you must carry on as you have a long ride ahead of you, one of the most rewarding of the WAW.

Back on the Dunlicky Road, the next stop to make is at the Kilkee Cliffside viewpoint. Stunning! But there are more amazing cliff views to come – the Candle Stick, Kilkee Cliffs, Illaunonearaun island, until at km 9, the road takes you inland. You return to the cost at the hamlet of Ross and must detour to the Bridges of Ross, very rugged coastline, impressive rocky bay, craggy cliffs and cool blue ocean frame your view. The remaining “bridge,” of the former three, where the ocean carved a passage under the rocky landmass by eroding soft bedrock under it, is a short walk further. However, the Derrynadivva Bay and beach steal the show.

Continue on Coast Road, more stunning cliff sites to come and tempt you to divert off the quiet farm road. At Cavan junction, you join R487. The main road cars take to the Loop Head Lighthouse, just 2k ahead and at the end of the road. Walk around the lighthouse, see the informative display on its history, and note the best view around the head of the peninsula is from a bird’s-eye view perspective.

Then turn around and ride back. Take the R487 to a picturesque bay at Kilbaha. A short distance around the bay, get off the main road and ride the scenic Coast Road, with more beautiful bays ahead — Rhinevilla Beach, and then the charming little fishing village of Carrigaholt at the mouth of the Mayarta River. On the promontory is a castle framing the view of the Carrigaholt bay. While you could ride further along the south coast, for almost an overload of picturesque bays and inlets, it’s time to turn back inland and head back to Kilkee for a Guinness and a bowl of hot chowder. Cycling Loop Head Peninsula is undeniably one of the best stages of the Wild Atlantic Way.

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