Not literally. I took the pic from One Tree Hill, a mountain at the foot of which is ARARAT. Yes, ARARAT, not the snow-capped, dormant compound volcano in the extreme east of Turkey, where, according to the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament, Noah’s Ark landed, but a small town in Western Victoria. I got stuck here for a few days because of a sudden change in weather – a cold and rainy spell, a mere 8 degrees Celsius in the morning, 15-degrees by day max, that has battered Victoria and much of the south of Australia now for days, a historical low at this time of summer in Oz.
Actually, the view of the hills in the photo to the southwest have the significance as it is from it the city of Ararat takes its name. Horatio Wills, pastoralist and politician who having settled in Moyston, southwest of Ararat en route to the Grampians, named a nearby hill Mount Ararat. Hence, my favorite shot from One Tree Hill is of the said mountain at the foot of which (right behind me) is ARARAT, the town.
Stuck at Mount Ararat, a coincidence or a divine omen?